
Thoughts on Prewriting

Remember the questions Margaret used in 620 to help us brainstorm for our literacy narratives? For instance, she asked us to think of a maxim we associate with literacy, about our first reading experiences, our teachers, even objects that correlate with our literacy experience. I don't know about all of you, but I often have trouble brainstorming for an assignment, especially a less research-oriented assignment like that, so those questions really helped me to get some ideas for my paper.
Hence, I have used this as a prewriting strategy for my 110 students. First, I asked them questions for their memoir, including "What did other people say about that moment?" and "Who should have been there that wasn't?" Essentially, I asked similar questions one by one, and they wrote comments about each one. They seemed to find that quite helpful.
Then, today, I asked similar questions about the character sketch assignment they are working on. "What kinds of mannerisms does this person have?" "What motivates/drives him or her?" "Does this person remind you of anyone else? A movie character, for instance?"
Anyway, if you haven't used this technique to help students who are stuck on papers, you might want to try it out. I also sometimes have them talk in pairs to brainstorm or draft a sketchy outline or perhaps freewrite on a topic. I'm sure you all do other good things. Let me know what has worked for you.


Eric Sentell said...


I've also tried the "topoi" or brainstorming questions Margaret used in our 620 class. My problem was that I wasn't very good at coming up with questions! Do you have a list of questions, and if so, would you care to share it?

Kara said...

I used topoi to help my students get started on their memoirs as well, and I got some really excellent memoirs this term. I agree. It's a good method for creative writing types of assignments.

Unknown said...

Tag, you're it!
