
More Technology Thoughts

Thinking about this assignment, I'm realizing that if nature and technology are on opposite sides of the spectrum, I'm more of a nature girl than anything else.

Some of my favorite memories consist of . . .

Imaginary worlds my sister and I created everyday on the rolling hill in my grandmother's backyard and high in the branches of the trees we called home

Mountain camping trips with my family when we lived in Colorado

My own garden that I designed and maintained when I was a child complete with coneflowers, cilantro, sweet peas, bachelor's buttons, two lovely rosebushes, and a little walkway

Long walks with my grandparents and their Corgis in Carmel Valley

A rickety beach house during the winter that spoiled us with the opportunity for windy, wintry walks along the ocean

A springtime marriage proposal I accepted while looking out on a beautiful lake . . .

I'm different from members of my family who enjoy taking the subway in busy cities, keeping track of important news through blogs, dismantling computers to improve them, perfecting video game skills with their friends, and chatting with dozens of friends through instant messaging.

But nature and technology are not always at odds, and certain elements of technology have been and continue to be essential parts of my life.

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