
Multi-Moodal about Multi-Modal Assignments

Sorry to those of you who read my blog for "fun." I hope this post isn't too boring.

But . . . 625ers . . . am I alone in thinking that this multimodal assignment is a very daunting idea? Maybe this hesitation pegs me as a hang-backer instead of a go-getter. What did you think about the readings for today? I thought the most complex was "Words, Audio, and Video" by Selfe, Fleischer, and Wright; in particular, the "Special Challenges of Teaching Audio and Video Essays" chart on page 18 did not persuade me to take on the challenge of this kind of assignment any time soon.

We have to, though, for class. Here's what I'm thinking about: how about having students create a text of some sort using instead of Microsoft Word a more "design-oriented" program like Publisher or In-Design. Instead of 12pt Times New Roman and 8.5 by 11 pages, they need to use the font, page size, and graphics that correspond with their persuasive purpose. This will help them think of the visual rhetoric of their text and not just the "content." (I think this kind of awareness is necessary in an increasingly visual world.)

This idea makes me less hesitant about the assignment. Perhaps I can branch out more as I learn more about different media.

Those of you who are more excited about the multi-modal assignment, I apologize for any negativity. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all in class tonight. Persuade me.


Anonymous said...

oh, oh sorry i didn't mean to snore out loud! LOL. J/k! luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Ha. I'll remember this when I read your blog!