
To all who read my blog for "fun" . . .

Okay, friends and family--the two of you who actually visit this site--here's my fair warning:

You might want to give up reading this blog until at least June.

1. I have not been posting very much (too busy).

2. What I have been posting has probably not been very interesting (unless of course you like to think about multi-modal assignments in your free time).

Check back for more interesting updates after/if I graduate.


Lanette Cadle said...

You could always post about palimpsests and student portfolios. Great stuff. :-)

Ben said...

I tell you what: I'm sorry to hear that, because I love multi-modal assignments. But I haven't been blogging like I should, either, you know. So fair's fair. Hopefully your voice won't be long absent from the conversation online. =)

Kaitlin said...

Multi-modality is my specialty. ;)