
A Necessary Makeover

To answer the question,* I'll admit that I spent far too much time setting up this blog. I've always liked these "fun" parts of technology, and I enjoy playing around with settings and preferences.
I chose to use Google's Blogger because I already had a blog set up, and I saw no reason to switch to a new technology since I was happy with this one. Yes, that is also a comment on the way many of us relate to technology; we are sometimes reluctant to change (word processors or browsers, for instance) when we are comfortable with a certain kind of technology. At least, for better or worse, that is often how I operate.
Of course, another reason for staying with this platform is that I, like most people, have always loved the Google bunch, from Gmail to the search engine. They normally have intuitive ways of doing things (like grouping emails by conversation), give very clear instructions, and constantly improve and create additions to their products.
Even though this blog was already set up, I decided to change the entire look of the page. I added a new template that has a few brighter colors and a more modern look; it's perfect except that I much prefer for my "sidebar" to be on the left. Am I preconditioned by the location of most websites' navigation or is it a true preference? I don't know. But I was frustrated to find that only a few ugly templates have the bar on the left, and if you pick a right-bar one, you cannot change the position.
I also added a few elements to personalize my blog. I gave it a non-rhetoric-related title, added my initials, and even included a picture. While I am not a terribly private person, I am "shy" on the internet, so this is the first time I have ever included a personal picture on this blog I have had for two years. That being said, it's not a picture of me but of my birds--not that personal, I guess. Finally, I included a short but sweet poetry snippet from Angelou that adds to the customization of my blog.
Other than that, I did change some fonts and colors and the styles of the dates to make my blog more readable and also nicer looking.
I may be changing all this again soon--if I get inspired.

P.S.--I'm realizing that my format, font, etc. do not matter very much if we are reading each other's blogs on a standardized Reader.

*Write about your choice of blogging platforms. Also, consider your theme choice and your reasons for choosing that particular theme over the other choices.

1 comment:

The Typist said...

Yeah, my stockpile of unread books is rather large. I just have this tendency to grab a book if I see it in a store somewhere and want to read it, regardless of whether I have the time to read it or not. I've explained this tendency of mine to my students before by comparing myself to a squirrel that grabs every acorn it finds and stuffs it into its hole in a tree regardless of how many acorns it already has.

I just noticed that we have the same basic theme for our blogs, except the dominant color of yours is pink and mine is blue. I'm shy about putting personal stuff on the internet too; I usually just wind up using LOLcats whenever I need to put up a personal picture. I'd say a picture of your pet birds is fairly personal.